
Our interest rates on Certificates of Deposits and IRA's are highly competitive in a challenging interest rate environment. No matter where the Federal Reserve heads next on its interest rate roller coaster, you'll be buckled in safe and secure at HSEFCU.

Loans Shares Share Certificates


Effective as of: 2-19-2025

Auto Loans -- New, Enterprise, or Used Under 3 years
5.75% to 14.00% APR for 3 years
5.75% to 14.00% APR for 4 years
5.75% to 14.00% APR for 5 years
6.75% to 14.00% APR for 6 years
Older or High Mileage Used Auto
6.00% to 14.75% APR for 3 years
6.25% to 14.75% APR for 4 years
6.50% to 14.75% APR for 5 years
Personal Loans
9.90% to 18.0% APR up to 5 years
Open End Credit Loans (Revolving accounts)
9.90% to 18.0% APR for 3 years
First Mortgages
6.00% to 8.00% APR for 15 years for qualified borrowers
6.25% to 8.25% APR for 20 years for qualified borrowers
6.50% to 8.50% APR for 30 years for qualified borrowers
Home Equity Loans
6.50% to 8.50% APR up to $200,000.00 for 5 years
6.75% to 8.75% APR up to $200,000.00 for 10 years
7.00% to 9.00% APR up to $200,000.00 for 15 years
Credit Cards
VISA Platinum 9.90% to 18.0% APR (6mo promo of 2.9% APR)


Savings Rates
AccountAPRAnnual Percentage Yield
Regular shares and clubs 0.50% 0.50%
Checking 0.25% 0.25%
IRA accounts 4.10% 4.16%

Share Certificates

Share Certificate Rates
AccountAPRAnnual Percentage Yield
6 month 4.10% 4.16%
12 month 4.00% 4.06%
24 month 3.75% 3.80%
36 month 3.75% 3.80%
48 month 3.75% 3.80%
60 month 3.75% 3.80%

Minimum of $5,000.00. A penalty may be charged for early withdrawal.